Our Work

We partner with numerous early-stage startups in their development, providing the essential tech support to kickstart their ventures. With deep industry knowledge and active engagement in the startup community, we understand the unique challenges startups face and are well-equipped to assist.

We also partner with not for profits and established businesses, making sure a wide range of organisations can tap into our customised solutions.

Development Partners

client revenue to date

The software we've built over the years has taken our development partners' digital products from zero to today's success.

We follow the tech saying 'You can't improve what you don't measure,' constantly monitoring app and software performance. All user activities, like purchases and signups, are discreetly tracked through our own software (the OK200 platform) so we can celebrate wins with our partners.

We’re constantly improving the OK200 platform, and pretty soon you’ll be able to login yourself, making it easy for you to check what’s happening behind the scenes and report back to partners or investors.