How We Build Things

Here’s a quick look at how we turn great ideas into great platforms. Our process is split into four straightforward phases, each one building on the last. It’s all about making sure we’re clear, efficient, and on the same page every step of the way.

While these phases provide a general guide, we understand that every client is unique. Depending on where you are in your journey and the specifics of your idea, we can tailor our approach to perfectly fit your needs; adapting it to best suit the challenges and opportunities of your project.

It's important to note that you're not obligated to proceed with us for the full development cycle. Some clients find the early phases—focused on planning and prototyping—extremely useful for securing investment, comparing potential development partners, or simply gaining a clearer understanding of their project scope. You’re free to use these initial outputs however you see fit, whether that means continuing with us or taking another direction.

Phase 0: Introduction 👋

  • Free Initial Consultation: Begin your journey with a risk-free discussion where we explore your idea, understand your budget, and introduce our capabilities.

Phase 1: Getting Ready to Build 🔨

  • Workshops & Education: Participate in three targeted workshops that define your service and feature sets, complemented by sessions on what it takes to own and operate a software platform.

Deliverables: Wireframes and process diagrams that map out your project, providing a clear visual and functional blueprint.

Phase 2: Quantity Surveying 📈

  • Prototype Development: Create a high-fidelity prototype to demonstrate your concept's viability.
  • Detailed Scoping & Estimation: Gain a clear understanding of project scale and potential costs, with expert assistance in R&D grant applications and IP considerations.

Deliverables: A comprehensive prototype along with a detailed report on scoping, cost estimation, and IP protection guidance.

Phase 3: Building The Dream 🚀

  • Development & Testing: Transition from planning to execution with project management, system builds, and user testing.
  • Launch Preparation: Get ready for market entry and prepare for your first users.

Deliverables: A launched product with initial user feedback and a clear path for future development.

Phase 4: Keeping The Lights On 💡

  • Ongoing Development: Continue evolving with roadmap workshops, security updates, and maintenance.
  • Strategic Guidance & Compliance: Benefit from ongoing technical consultations and business intelligence services.

Deliverables: Ensured system continuity, data breach mitigation, and ongoing compliance support.

What is scoping?

Scoping is the process of meticulously outlining the features, functionalities, and requirements that will shape your software product. This phase is crucial for startups due to several reasons, some of which include:

  • Foundation Building: Lay the groundwork for a successful project.
  • Goal Alignment Ensure development aligns with startup goals and resources.

Read our article if you want to dive into the details and learn more.

Key Benefits of Scoping

Resource Management

Allocate resources effectively, avoiding overcommitment and delays.

Clear Objectives

Define features, preventing scope creep and maintaining project focus.


Allocate resources effectively, avoiding overcommitment and delays.

Budget Control

Accurate project cost estimation for financial stability.

Risk Mitigation

Identify and address potential risks early in the process.

Stakeholder Communication

Facilitate effective communication with stakeholders, investors, and team members.

Scalability and Flexibility

Adapt quickly to market changes without losing project direction.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Definition

Identify core features for quicker time-to-market and essential product validation.

Consequences of Inadequate Scoping

Budget Overruns

Exceeding budget limits hampers project completion and financial health.

Project Delays

Prolonged timelines disrupt operations, competitiveness, and revenue potential.

Missed Deadlines

Failing to meet deadlines disrupts schedules and jeopardises trust and opportunities.

Reduced Product Quality

Compromised quality diminishes satisfaction, competitiveness, and increases costs.

Scope Creep

Uncontrolled changes leading to a never-ending development cycle

Stakeholder Communication

Ineffective communication hampers collaboration and alignment with expectations.

Strained Relationships

Tensions from project challenges negatively impact team and stakeholder relationships.

Inefficient Resource Allocation

Poor resource management hinders project efficiency and success.

Product-Market Fit Issues

Failure to align with market needs results in lower satisfaction and competitiveness.

Reputational Damage

Negative project outcomes harm trust, reputation, and future opportunities.

Ready to define the path to your project's success?
Schedule a consultation with us today!